SAMA Winter Competition – Week 9 – Relay Challenge #2

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Week 9 of SAMA winter competition at Felixstow Reserve –  Relay Challenge #2will have the following event (scratch):

Run/Club Walk Relay – from 2.15pm; total distance 8km.
Teams of 2 or 3 – 2km and 4km legs.

Nominate your Team beforehand to . Teams can consist of three persons, with two doing 2km and one doing 4km, or a two person team with both doing 4km.

Please indicate what distance each person will do. It is all based on handicaps so there is no disadvantage for slower athletes. Teams can be runners, walkers or a mixture of both.

If you cant organise a team, still let John know (including which distance) and he will put you in a team. Failing all that we will organise teams on the day but entering beforehand will certainly help.

Prizes to be won and Afternoon Tea provided.

(see panel below for full details about the Relay Challenges)

Relay Challenges

> Handicapped Team events – 3 competitors per team, regardless of whether a runner or walker (ie. can be all runners, all walkers or mixed).
> Competitors can nominate a team or be allocated to one on the day.
> Total distance increases each week; 6km, 8km and 10km. Each competitor completes a leg of 1 or 2 or 3 loops (to make total distance).
> Scratch start for all teams by athlete doing first leg only (staggered start if large numbers). Touch handover to team members doing subsequent legs.
> Total time for all members of team is compared to their combined estimated times (calculated by the Event Manager program), to derive a handicap time difference.
> Prizes awarded at the end of each week during Afternoon Tea. The winning team has the smallest time difference.

Refreshments at Winter Competitions
On Relay Days an organised afternoon tea will be provided by SAMA at the end of the competition at no charge.  Please bring your own mug.

Prizes will be awarded to the winning Relay teams during afternoon tea.


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