SAMA Winter Competition – Week 7 – Multi-Events #1

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Week 7 of SAMA winter competition: Multi-Events #1 at Park 20 (Adelaide Harriers clubrooms, Peacock Rd/S. Terrace).
This is the first of our Multi-Event weeks that includes
three distances for both runners and walkers (scratch):

Club Walks –
1500m at 2.00pm;
800m at 2.20pm;
2km at 2.40pm

Runs –
1500m at 2.00pm;
800m at 2.20pm;
2km at 2.40pm

Do all three races!
Competitors may enter any or all of races (ie. run or walk each distance).
See panel below for further details.

Multi-Event Days

> Held on 2 separate occasions during the season.
> Suited to middle distance runners and sprinters.
> For both runners and walkers there will be 3 races on same day: 1500m, 800m & 2km.
> Competitors may elect to enter as many of the distances as desired, but can do only a run or a walk for each particular distance.
> No prizes, but will accrue points towards Winter Achievers Award.

Refreshments at Winter Competitions
The social aspect of our competitions is important, and SAMA will be providing afternoon tea on Relay Days.
However, for other weeks an organised afternoon tea at the end is not practicable. Instead participants are encouraged to bring their own refreshments on these days to be consumed when convenient.
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