SAMA Duty Statements
Committee Roles, General Position Descriptions and Functions
A single document is available to download which summarises the Organisational Structure of SAMA and contains Job Descriptions for all the SAMA Positions and Roles, also listed below.
SAMA Positions, Structure and Functions (PDF)
Positions and Roles
Office Bearers
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Registrar
- Governance_Coordinator
- Public Officer
- Webmaster
- Awards Officer
- Social Organiser
- Records Officer
- Uniform Officer
- Promotions Officer
- Sponsorship Officer
- Newsletter Editor
- Historian/Archivist
- Hall of Fame Sub-Committee Chair
- Safety Officer
- Nationals Team Manager
- Winter Coordinator
- Winter Helpers Coordinator
- Walk Coordinator
- Course Marker
- Summer Coordinator
- Timing/Computer Coordinator
- Track Coordinator
- Throws Coordinator
- Jumps Coordinator
- Summer Championships Organiser
SAMA Policy & By-laws
The SAMA Constitution (PDF) approved at the 2024 AGM can be downloaded here.
A copy of the SAMA Strategic Plan 2024-2029 (PDF) can be downloaded.
SAMA has a formal set of documents which outline both our overall policies and the way we run our Club. The major policies are those that have been in place for many years. Others are the general rules by which the Club operates and had not previously been laid out. In addition there are two guidelines covering the SAMA Awards and Handicapping. These documents support our Constitution and members are required to comply with them.
A copy of the SAMA By-Laws (PDF) updated in 2024 can be downloaded.
Affiliated Organisations
Links to Governance Information
World Masters Athletics – Constitution
Other Information
Information pertaining to the insurance provided through Athletics Australia that covers our competing financial members and all SAMA activities.
Athletics Australia and Little Athletics Australia Insurance Program